Meatpacking and food processing workers launch a new women’s committee to empower workers and address issues important workers in these industries.
At the chain meeting earlier this month, workers launched a new women’s committee for meatpacking and food processing workers. The new committee will serve as a valuable resource to help empower the sisters of the UFCW to take more leadership roles and effectively address issues important to them.
During the women’s committee meeting members benefited from hearing stories of success from union sisters in leadership roles. Table discussions were held on what issues are important to them on the shop floor such as; health and safety concerns, educating co-workers, increasing union membership and developing more union activist within their plants and industries.
The committee will continue to develop with the selection of committee chairs, a partnership with the UFCW Women’s Network, and future meetings that will feature workshops as well as resources that members can take back to their plants and share.
For more information on the women’s committee contact Sarah Morrissette at SMorrissette@UFCW.org.